SCP 69691337420

SCP 69691337420
Object Class: Keter

SCP 69691337420 is an AWP sniper rifle. When approached up close, you can hear voices speaking cryptic messages like “Mum get the camera” and “Oh baby a triple.” If you try to touch it, all your blood will be replaced with hyperrealistic blood.

Hyperrealistic blood is very different compared to normal blood and even real blood. Hyperrealistic blood is shiny and glows very brightly. This causes chemicals in the brain to initiate what scientists call “the spookening” where the victim makes multiple comments about how scary blood is, then disintegrates. If the hyperrealistic blood is seen by anyone then they transform into the protagonist from Sonic.exe, then fly away.

If you wear protective gear however, the “hyperrealistic effect” is preventable and the sniper rifle is fully operational. The rifle works normally, except for one thing. The gun fires blood that travels at approximately 456763758568 miles per second. If you get hit by this blood, then you transform into a spooky scary skeleton.  If you encounter one of these skeletons, then you will dance with them for all of eternity. The gun is also theorised to be made out of skeleton dust.

The spookiest thing about SCP 69691337420 is the voices. SCP 69691337420 was created by FaZe ******. He created it with the dead bodies of pissy 3 year old CoD players that he quickscoped. The souls are so pissy that they are all still alive. Some scientists even theorise that the skeletonised victims of SCP 69691337420 have their souls trapped in the rifle.

Reports indicate that SCP 69691337420 is sentient. This evidence comes from an experiment by Dr.Dank. Dr.Dank did a personal interview with SCP 69691337420 on March ** 19**. Here is that interview.

Dr.Dank: Uhh, hello, my name is Dr.Dank, and you are…?

SCP 69691337420: Yo dog you can call me AWPane.

Dr.Dank: Alright...AWPane...why do you steal people's’ souls when they are shot?

AWPane: Yo that ain't mah fault. After I shoot em them souls just back the fuck into me yo. That’s the souls prerogative ya know what I’m sayin’?

Dr.Dank: Okay……...who constructed you?

AWPane: Yo it was one o them FaZe motherfuckas. It was FaZe ******. That motherfucka was crazy, ya know? He didn’t like dem kids, ya feel me? I guess he was called ****** for a reason yo.

Dr.Dank: Fascinating. Can you fire on your own?

AWPance: Yeah dog I can do it now yo.

*gun shot*

AWPane: …...shit dog.
Dr.Dank was never heard from again. This is why SCP 69691337420 has the Keter rating. SCP 69691337420 is concealed in *************,************, and approximately **** meters below the earth. It is contained in an iron container filled with cum.
